La Citadelle
The gardens of Aquitaine are much more varied in style, scale, and presentation than the grand formal gardens of the châteaux of the Loire. The Perigord has 1000 or more châteaux, few of them as large or grand as those of the Loire, and most of them in private ownership; this has encouraged much wider influence in their public parks and gardens than that of "traditional" French gardens.
Many of these gardens have been developed over the past hundred years, and incorporate many outside influences, with designers from right around the world. An example of this is Les jardins de l'imaginaire at Terrasson. Here, an American designer has produced a hillside linear garden designed to present many different concepts through snapshot views of different areas seen through gaps in the landscape. These are tied together by large scale water features overlooking a magnificent natural landscape.
All parts of the region have many more locally-known gardens available to visit, but I want to introduce you to a few of the better-known ones, from Sardy (5 miles from La Citadelle) to as far as 2 hours away.